Net Neutrality

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The internet without net neutrality isn't really the internet by allowing anyone to share and access information without the interference of Internet provider companies such as AT&T, Comcast, and Verizon. Net neutrality has become an essential part of democracy from educational and economic opportunities, to political viewpoints.

Net Neutrality prohibits internet service providers from slowing down, speeding up, or even blocking content, applications, or websites. The internet allows people of vulnerable communities to bypass the traditional media to share their story without any potential news bias, providing all platform to all types of people.

If net neutrality didn't exist, companies could purchase priority access to ISP customers. This could result in large wealthy companies such as Google and Facebook to provide faster, more reliable access to their websites and applications compared to competitor websites. Companies and organizations that would not be able to afford to purchase the priority 

Many advocates for net neutrality argue that it is crucial for innovation, where new companies and technology companies might not be able to grow. The internet is a place for fostering innovation, creativity, and freedom of all kinds that should not be restricted by large companies acting as gatekeepers.
