Twitter Censoring Content

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Instead of banning certain types of tweets with controversy content, Twitter's policy and engineering team allows users to the hide content that could be deemed inappropriate, but not completely against Twitter's terms and services. This provides more freedom for Twitter users as they get to decide for themselves if they would like to see certain content or not.

"I think there's a fundamental mission that we're serving, our purpose of the company, which is to serve the public conversation," Vijaya Gadde, Twitter's head of trust and safety, legal and public policy, told Motherboard in an interview. "And in order to really be able to do that, we need to permit as many people in the world as possible for engaging on a public platform, and it means that we need to be open to as many viewpoints as possible."

However, roughly 10.8 million accounts were reported between July and December 2018; taking action against 612,563 of those accounts. Twitter's trust and safety teams have grown drastically from the beginning now with content moderation centers around the world.

This leads to the question, can anyone post anything on social media and consider it freedom of expression? The First Amendment protects individuals from government censorship. However, social media platforms are private companies and can censor content or remove content as they see fit. When creating an account on any social media platform, you have to agree to the terms and conditions.

Personally, I probably wouldn't be able to name one person that I know who has read the terms and conditions when creating an account. Chances are somewhere in those terms in conditions we all agreed to having our content censored or removed if Twitter sees fit. 
