
Image result for surveillance

Surveillance has become a part of what makes the internet the internet. Everyone is under constant surveillance from many companies varying from cell phone providers to social media networks. This data they are collecting from surveillance is collected, compiled, and analyzed. Its a common practice for all types of businesses to strive to acquire as much personal information as they can can because data is more powerful than ever. With technology becoming stronger and faster, so are the government's strategies for listening in.

Ways to Avoid Surveillance:
1. Switch to a more secure app for messaging. The app Signal is recommended to avoid surveillance and allows users to send encryption protected information to others who also use the app and stores very little data about the users. WhatsApp is also encrypted, but does store profile information.

2. Cover up your webcams. Whether or not it is confirmed, devices such as tablets, laptops, androids, and cell phones can be hacked through the camera and microphone to secretly record sound and video. A cheap way to potentially avoid this is to cover the camera with electrical tape or a post-it note.

3. Update your devices. Updating your devices on a regular basis can prevent hacking and other security breaches. Phones that are not updated are more likely to be compromised. Keeping software up to date and using strong passwords can better secure digital privacy.

4. Secure your Smart TV. One of the hacks for smart tv's act as a bug, allowing agencies to record people even if the tv is turned off. However, this feature can be disabled under settings at "turn off voice related services."

5. Cover your tracks on social media. Deleting browser history and cookies. Not saving passwords on web browsers. This could even mean switching web browsers from Google to DuckDuckGo that does not track users.

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"This is a lot bigger than 'I have nothing to hide. This is about the fundamental right to enjoy your life without having someone over your shoulder watching. It's a very interesting moment as people realize worldwide we have become the product, not the customer they serve."
