Five Eyes

At the end of World War II, the United States and the United Kingdom signed the British-U.S. Communication Agreement, which was later renamed UKUSA in 1946. The purpose of this agreement was to streamline the intelligence sharing process to better handle global threats, specifically with the Soviet Union.

Canada was added to the agreement in 1948 and in 1956 Australia and New Zealand were also added and became known as the Five Eyes. The Five Eyes became a formal agreement to share all foreign intelligence information with each other. This prevents each country consulting with one another on a case by case situation to share foreign alliance.

Five Eyes eventually became Nine Eyes which lead to Fourteen Eyes. The Nine Eyes and Fourteen Eyes are a continuation of the Five Eyes. These agreements are essentially one global alliance entity to "spy" on citizens and record their activity.

While researching the Five Eyes, I found a lot of information on VPN. A VPN service can be used which is virtually a private network and allows users to send and receive information across a public network. I used VPN in high school when the network had blocked Instagram, but never thought of it being used for a much larger purpose like being surveyed from a global alliance. This affects many people that our web history, location history, text messages, and phone calls are being recorded.
