The Kindle

Launched in 2007 in NewsWeek Magazine was the Kindle, changing the way humans communicate. The Kindle first became available on on November 19, 2007, and sold out within hours. This new device was also dubbed as "the iPod of reading." The first generation Kindle had no touch control with a full keyboard of navigation buttons, a speaker, a headphone socket, and an expandable SD card storage. At a price of $399 in 2007, the Kindle has significantly decreased in price.

What is the purpose of the Kindle? When the Kindle was invented, it had one real aim: to bring people to books. Just four short years later Amazon, the world's largest bookseller, had sold more books on the Kindle than in paper format. The Kindle provided a way for people to carry multiple books at once without the physical weight of them with easy access to purchasing books at the tip of your fingers. There are also tools to change the font size, bookmark pages, search for a word, and even illuminate the pages to read in the dark.

However, there are a few cons to a piece of technology like this. Since it is digital, the Kindle is battery powered  When the Kindle runs out of battery a book cannot be read where as a physical book does not have a battery limit. There is also just something different about physically holding a book and being able to feel the pages.

Since the Kindle first came out, there has been a rapid drop in sales. This could be because the functions of the functions of the Kindle have remained the same with no major technological changes being made. However, that goes back to the Kindle having one main purpose: to bring people to books.
