Communication and Technology

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Communication is the core to which this society was founded on. As technology has progressed, so has the way we communicate. The path of human communication has evolved over the years, all becoming stepping stones for one another. Technology has made communication more convenient, especially true with long distance communication. Email, texting, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and so many more has made it easy to keep in touch with friends and family who are a distance away.

These same platforms have made it so easy to communicate with a large mass of people, for better or for worse. With this comes the saying of "what is posted on the internet stays on the internet, even if it is deleted."

With mobile technology having such a drastic impact on how we communicate, younger generations suffer consequences with its effect on face-to-face communication and interpersonal interactions. Another consequence are the unrealistic expectations set through social media with body types, displaying wealth, and photo editing. On social media people usually tend to post the best moments on their life: when they look their best and when they are doing something that could be defined as "cool."

Social media trends continue to change, what was trendy at this time last year is no longer trendy and what is trendy at this time next year most likely won't be the same. With technology advancing as fast as it is, there could even be a new popular social media platform.
