Antitrust Investigation on Google from 48 States

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Google's parent company, Alphabet, has a market value of $820 billion and a reported revenue of $137 billion last year alone. With a reported revenue that high, it would be almost too difficult to avoid using one of their services on the internet. Google is now under investigation for potential monopolistic behavior from forty-eight state attorney generals. The investigation is led by Texas.

The potential monopolistic behavior stems from the advertising market specifically. From an advertising perspective, Google has too much power in setting rates for advertising and favors their own services over others.

The company is being investigated for prioritizing its own subsidiaries in search results, arguing that Google may have such a stronghold on the market because consumers most likely aren't seeing an alternative option. 

Google has argued that although the business is large, it is beneficial to customers. Google has been under fire for asserting advertising dominance since 2007 with the online advertising company DoubleClick.

While I use Google products and services multiple times every day, with YouTube included, I would have to go out of my way to not use Google. Even then, I'm not sure what services I would go to next for even just a search engine tool. Google has become a dominant force because they are good at what they do and the services they provide, however, at this point it is all some people know.
